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Remote Sensing for Flood Monitoring in Agriculture Industry with Sentinel 1 Satellite


Updated: Mar 13, 2023

As a farmer, you know how important it is to monitor your fields for flood risks. But what if you could do it from space? Remote sensing with satellites is becoming an increasingly popular tool for monitoring floods in the agriculture industry. In particular, the Sentinel 1 satellite is highly effective at detecting flood conditions.

How Remote Sensing with Sentinel 1 can Detect Flood

Sentinel 1 is a radar imaging satellite launched by the European Space Agency (ESA) in 2014. The satellite uses synthetic aperture radar (SAR) technology to detect changes in the Earth's surface, including flood conditions. The SAR sensor can penetrate through clouds and darkness, providing a reliable source of data even in poor weather conditions.

By measuring changes in the Earth's surface, Sentinel 1 can detect the presence of water and determine the extent of a flood. This information can then be used to monitor the development of the flood, track its movement, and assess its impact on nearby farmland.

The Threat of Flood to Agriculture

Flooding can have a devastating impact on agriculture, agricultural flood monitoring is crucial for food security and economic stability. Floodwaters can destroy crops, erode soil, and carry pollutants and debris onto farmland. In addition to the immediate damage caused by floods, they can also have long-term effects on soil quality and productivity.

For farmers, monitoring flood conditions is essential for minimizing the impact of floods on their crops and land. Remote sensing with Sentinel 1 offers a powerful tool for monitoring floods, allowing farmers to quickly assess the extent of the flood and take appropriate action to protect their fields.

Why is it Important

Remote sensing with Sentinel 1 offers a number of advantages over traditional flood monitoring methods. These include:

Gathering Information from Inaccessible Areas

Floods can occur in remote or inaccessible areas, making it difficult to obtain accurate information about the extent of the damage. Remote sensing with Sentinel 1 can provide detailed information about flood conditions in even the most remote areas, allowing farmers to assess the impact on their fields and plan for recovery.

Covering Huge Areas

Traditional flood monitoring methods can be time-consuming and expensive, particularly when dealing with large areas of land. Remote sensing with Sentinel 1 can cover huge areas of land in a fraction of the time and at a lower cost, providing farmers with a more comprehensive view of flood conditions in their area.

The Data is for Public

Sentinel 1 is part of the European Union's Copernicus program, which provides free and open data to the public. This means that farmers can access the data without having to pay for expensive equipment or software.

Historical Data is Already Available for Thorough Analysis

Sentinel 1 has been collecting data since its launch in 2014, providing a rich source of historical data for analyzing flood conditions every 6 – 12 days. This data can be used to identify patterns and trends, helping farmers to develop more effective flood management strategies.

Use Cases

Remote sensing with Sentinel 1 has a wide range of applications in the agriculture industry. Two of the most important use cases are:

Flood Hazard and Risk Assessment

Flood hazard and risk assessment is an important application of remote sensing with Sentinel 1 in the agriculture industry. By analyzing historical data on flood conditions, farmers can identify areas of their land that are at high risk of flooding. Sentinel 1 provides regular, high-resolution images of the earth's surface that allow farmers to monitor their land for signs of flooding. With this information, farmers can develop flood management strategies to minimize the impact of floods on their crops and land.

The flood hazard and risk assessment process involves using remote sensing data to analyze the topography, vegetation, and nearby water bodies of an area. This information is combined with weather and historical flood data to create flood hazard maps that identify areas at high risk of flooding. Farmers can use these maps to make informed decisions about where to plant their crops, where to build flood barriers, and where to take other measures to protect their land.

Flood hazard and risk assessment is particularly important for farmers in low-lying areas or areas prone to flooding. By identifying areas at high risk of flooding, farmers can take proactive measures to protect their crops and minimize the impact of floods on their land. Remote sensing with Sentinel 1 is an effective tool for flood hazard and risk assessment, allowing farmers to make informed decisions about their land management strategies.

Flood Alert

Flood alert is another important application of remote sensing with Sentinel 1 in the agriculture industry. Sentinel 1 could be used to provide near-real-time alerts when flood conditions are detected. This is possible because Sentinel 1 provides regular, high-resolution images of the earth's surface that allow farmers to monitor their land for signs of flooding.

Flood alerts are particularly important for farmers in areas prone to flash floods or other sudden changes in water levels. By receiving flood alerts, farmers can take immediate action to protect their crops and minimize the impact of floods on their land. When flood conditions are detected, farmers can be alerted through a variety of channels, including SMS, email, or a mobile app.


Remote sensing for flood monitoring in agriculture industry with Sentinel 1 offers a powerful tool for farmers to manage flood risks on their land. By providing accurate, timely, and cost-effective data, Sentinel 1 can help farmers to minimize the impact. From the article, we know that flood monitoring is essential to agriculture industry. This remote sensing can also be used by your plantation, and we can help you with the implementation.


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